Friday, February 25, 2011

Why i wear shoes?

Connie Perez

Why I wear shoes? That’s a good question… I wear shoes because of course I want to protect my feet from all the dangerous things people throw around the world which is basically the littering they can not control. When people litter there could be many different things that your body can catch like diseases, second degree burning from the sun in the summer, and maybe even walking on stony roads which would really hurt. Those things can become harmful to not just our feet but our bodies. For example, in the winter if we decided to not wear shoes or if every store just stopped selling any type of foot wear in the winter what would happen? Our feet would become frozen, and we would die from hypothermia. And we also wear shoes because of all the other weather changing in this world which has been horrible in the last past few years. What I don’t understand is where the whole shoe thing came from, when Adam and Eve never had shoes to being with. Lol. Yes, going back that far really would change what people think, which that is that they need to realize how very fortunate they are to have something like shoes. Now imagine for a second what would the world be without any foot wear.  

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