If you are an average worker, you work 40 hours per week. If you are an extraordinary worker working for someone else and seeking extra money or a promotion, you probably work 50 hours per week. If you are a successful entrepreneur, you are probably working in or thinking about your business 60+ hours a week.
Average worker, extraordinary worker, entrepreneur – YOU WORK. Now, how about our country’s future leaders, our college students… The average number of classes that college students USED to take was five courses.
Now, if you factor that many college students are taking a fifth year to graduate, the average number of classes would slip to four courses. But, let’s be nice and say that the average college student takes five classes that meet for one hour twice a week or ten hours of classes a week. Now, sixty percent of college students REPORT [they say] that they spend 15 hours a week OR LESS studying.
So, again to be nice, that’s ten hours in class plus fifteen hours studying which totals 25 hours per week enmeshed in the work of academia. Bottom line: The majority of college students work HALF as hard as extraordinary workers. BUT, that’s the future …. Let’s party now ….
Forget all those boring mean spirited statistics about college students being lazy. Forget all the partying that college students do in the 143 hours EVERY week that they aren’t studying or in class. It’s time to head south, Baby !!! What can I say but get ready for Girls Gone Wild and S-P-R-I-N-G … B-R-E-A-K !!!
BLAST that music, Baby !!! It’s time for wet t-shirts and trashing motel rooms. It’s time for rufies and bongs and jello shots. It’s time for some serious alcohol poisoning.
Parents, not to worry, the average male college student ONLY consumes 15 alcoholic beverages on a typical day at Spring Break and your Princess is content with ONLY 10 drinks. Don’t worry, Dad, whatever happens on Spring Break stays on Spring Break. Your precious Little Samantha will tell you that sleeping with Marcus, the towel boy at the hotel, was a one night fling and she’s almost, pretty, kinda, sure that he wore a condom, she thinks. “But, Daddy, after ten belly shots, you can’t really blame me.” Here are a few statistics that college students should bear in mind for the NEAR future …
30% of you will drift from job to job making a marginal living. You will be VERY unhappy. 50% of you will get jobs but will be required to work harder with less compensation than past generations. You will be AVERAGE. You will be just AVERAGE unhappy.
i work 40 hrs a week and i am in school for 12 credit hours. i need spring break to work overtime so i can pay my bills. and this past spring break i took 2 days off from work to visit my grandmother